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Intensive or Relaxed Course?

August 26, 2023

If you're thinking about booking a course with us, you may not be sure whether to go for the Intensive or Relaxed version. The Intensive cou...

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Swimming Without Strokes

January 8, 2020

Swim: to move through water by moving the body or parts of the body. Cambridge dictionary. I'm at the Hotel Costa Calero in Lanzarote again,...

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Changing the Objective?

January 2, 2020

Is the objective, when working with fearful non-swimmers, to get them independent in the water by the end of their course of 8 lessons? Cher...

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How exactly does swimming help anxiety?

January 2, 2020

'It's great for the body and the mind' has become a swimming platitude. How much truth is there in it? As swimming becomes more and more pop...

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Think or Swim?

January 1, 2020

If you fancy a change in the pool There's joy to be found in the most simple swimming activities, and lots to learn, and to gain, for yourself. ...

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Taking the swimming out of swimming

October 19, 2019

On how we help non-swimmers 'I just want to feel comfortable in water,' Karen told us on her first day.  We always like to hear this, from ...

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Fight or Flight, or Float

July 24, 2019

The startle pattern, also known as the Moro/ baby panic/ parachute/ fear reflex, affects all swimmers, non- swimmers and swimming teachers to some ...

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Swimming with the Alexander Technique – or the other way round?

July 5, 2019

The Alexander Technique is straightforward but for any success with it you have to give yourself time and space, to make things easier for yourself...

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How to Swim Head Up Breaststroke

April 21, 2019

Swimming breaststroke with the face out of the water gets a bad press. There are good reasons for this. But if you're aware of what you're doing, t...

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Diary of a Man Learning to Swim

January 16, 2018

Michael from Gloucestershire came for our residential course as a non-swimmer with fear of water. After each of his 8 x 45 minute lessons with Che...

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