Alexander Technique

When does the ‘Without Stress’ bit start?

September 8, 2020

For many years, after training as a swimming teacher, and especially a Shaw Method one, I laboured under the idea that every person taking lessons ...

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Looking For A Challenge?

August 25, 2020

Challenge. 'A call to someone to participate in a competitive situation or fight to decide who is superior in terms of ability or strength.' ...

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Visit Wales. Later

August 2, 2020

When arranging courses I'm often talking to two people about the same vacancy, a salesman, hurrying people along to place their deposit for lessons...

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making bubbles

Missing Bubbles?

July 23, 2020

We've had a few dips in the sea during the last four months without access to the pool. Being in saltwater has many obvious, and celebrated, sellin...

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Conquer Your Fear of Water

July 9, 2020

The title of this post might be a good one for attracting people to our website. 'You've got a problem and we've got the solution'.  I had s...

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Coming to Quiet

June 11, 2020

JA Thompson, a Scottish expert on soft corals wrote, over 100 years ago, "One of the dangers of our civilization is that one function of the nervou...

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June 11, 2020

Today we went to Ceibwr Bay The sea was quiet and cold Gordon found a rotting seal He ate a bit and rolled. I hosed him down, he's patient W...

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‘Hopefully I won’t get any better.’

May 23, 2020

Yesterday our son Stan completed work for his degree in Illustration. He describes himself as having an unconventional mind and aims to create...

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Becoming A Thing That Swims

March 7, 2020

I'm noticing more and more, with myself and people I'm helping, that the idea of needing to move forward, to some destination, changes both how we ...

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Magical Mystery Torso

February 28, 2020

I'm enjoying watching The Great Pottery Throw Down.  In one episode the potters were trying ingenious methods to try to support their two-feet...

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