For Non-Swimmers

when you can't swim

When You Can’t Swim

January 30, 2021

From childhood, related to my genetically weak vestibular system (poor balance), I've had a kind of kink in my nervous system where my head goes to...

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Is Swimming Without Stress still on your list?

November 30, 2020

People we speak to about booking a course often say, “I am (insert any number over 50)...” as if that might be an issue.  In fact, a large perce...

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Top Tips For Dips

October 24, 2020

If there's magic in the water, three simple activities may help you find it. 1. Floating face down 2, Sitting, letting yourself drop ...

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making bubbles

Missing Bubbles?

July 23, 2020

We've had a few dips in the sea during the last four months without access to the pool. Being in saltwater has many obvious, and celebrated, sellin...

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Conquer Your Fear of Water

July 9, 2020

The title of this post might be a good one for attracting people to our website. 'You've got a problem and we've got the solution'.  I had s...

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‘Hopefully I won’t get any better.’

May 23, 2020

Yesterday our son Stan completed work for his degree in Illustration. He describes himself as having an unconventional mind and aims to create...

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Golden Hour

May 3, 2020

New 1 Hour Individual Lessons as Standard on our Residential Course with the Option of Just 1 Lesson a Day We're looking forward to getting ...

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Let’s Hang Loose With What We’ve Got!

March 13, 2020

Is the water a place for striving for you? Or a place for liberation? Most people tense up in water even more than on dry land. But if we approa...

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All You Need Is Love

February 14, 2020

Putting love of the water into practice... Swimmers often talk about our love of water. But one way or another we fight the thing we love. ...

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Changing the Objective?

January 2, 2020

Is the objective, when working with fearful non-swimmers, to get them independent in the water by the end of their course of 8 lessons? Cher...

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