Can You Let The Water Support You?
If you're a non-swimmer, you're unlikely to start out believing the water will support you, so you'll see it as an obstacle to overcome. Swimming l...
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Streamlining: What’s Your Position?
In the 90s I read an interview in The Swimming Times with a coach who said something like, ‘I use every device possible to minimize resistance and ...
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The Gift of Giving
What we get back from giving ourselves to the water. The activity I find most valuable of all, as a foundation for swimming, and as something whic...
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Why Relaxing Your Neck Is Necessary
Here are two reasons to focus on relaxing your neck in water. Firstly, if you have any kind of fear, the first thing you'll do, before and i...
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From Rosemary, Still Enjoying Front Crawl In Her 80th Year
I’ve just read your latest blog and thought that I’d get in touch. You gave me front crawl lessons in 2012 and taught me how to lengthen my stro...
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What Do You Really Want?
The answer to questions we often get asked, and a helpful conversation with someone we've helped, about why. We can help anybody in the water, wit...
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Thinking About Learning to Swim?
If previous swimming lessons have failed you, it's because of what learning to swim has meant, for you and the people teaching you. If you'r...
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Taking a Breather
I went for a lane swim this morning. I thought I'd take some full, deep breaths before each length and then, if I needed to come up for air,...
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Drowning In The Sea of Reaction?
We've been working this week with someone who almost drowned as a child. Being in the water has always been likely to excite her fear reflexes.&...
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When swimming is, and isn’t, therapy
Two opposite kinds of behaviour in water relieve stress. Cold water immersion Getting into cold water, embracing the cold, possibly e...
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