
Weather to Wear a Wetsuit (or Not?)

Twenty one years ago when we moved to Wales, I rushed out to get a wetsuit so I could make the most of being by the sea. Some years later I sold it on, unused. The experience of being in the water was ruined by the struggle of getting it on, the restricted movement and the over-buoyancy. As Ian said, it was like going to a disco in a suit of armour!

Luckily it wasn’t long before Aqua Sphere introduced their Aqua Skins, the original swimming wetsuit, and we were among the very first online suppliers of Aqua Sphere kit. You saw it here first!

This unisex Aqua Skin was a game changer. Easy to get on and off, easy to move in and allowing natural buoyancy. When it’s wet the glide neoprene feels exactly like a dolphin’s skin (I imagine!) It has some holes in the seams now, but still serves the odd visitor who has come optimistically unprepared.

In 2017 I was spoilt by a couple of warm water experiences abroad – a swimming holiday in Montenegro and the Open Water Swimming Festival in Barbados. This was the real deal – being able to spend as long as I liked in the water without the need for any extra coverage. Worth the stress of the airport and the 8 hour flight (?)

Every year I try to brave the cold water (especially after having decided not to fly again). I see the Bluetit ladies, I’ve watched Wim Hof but my cold water dips remain just that – dips. Even on our best June day (it was glorious last week) our dip, which I think could have lasted longer than usual thanks to the sunny weather, was cut short by the army of compass jellyfish!


So out comes my Aqua Skin – a modern ‘lady’ version.  (Not the latest Version 3 – although I have one of these put aside for when I need it. They are more durable than they look.)

So whether you’re struggling to move in an old rubbery surfing wetsuit or struggling to get past your knees in your cossie, an Aqua Sphere Aqua Skin will allow you really to enjoy a bit more time in the water.

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