
My Submission

May 8, 2022

I read my brother Mike's daily Facebook posts, on ancient Buddhist texts he has translated from Sanskrit and their relevance now. Common the...

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Inhibition v excitation

Trying Not To Get Too Excited

March 11, 2021

Inhibition, the key to the Alexander Technique, is easy to understand when you think of it in terms of its opposite, which is excitation. Ov...

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Top Tips For Dips

October 24, 2020

If there's magic in the water, three simple activities may help you find it. 1. Floating face down 2, Sitting, letting yourself drop ...

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Coming to Quiet

June 11, 2020

JA Thompson, a Scottish expert on soft corals wrote, over 100 years ago, "One of the dangers of our civilization is that one function of the nervou...

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Becoming A Thing That Swims

March 7, 2020

I'm noticing more and more, with myself and people I'm helping, that the idea of needing to move forward, to some destination, changes both how we ...

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December 24, 2019

45 kilowatt hours in a day! Our son's home for Christmas. He left the heater on in his space, 21.5 degrees, and disappeared for 2 days. 'Hell is o...

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Taking the swimming out of swimming

October 19, 2019

On how we help non-swimmers 'I just want to feel comfortable in water,' Karen told us on her first day.  We always like to hear this, from ...

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If I win the lottery…

August 30, 2019

The autumn sunlight streams in through the pool windows at Croft Farm and bounces off the clear, shallow water. An adult who's spent a lifetime wit...

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